Get Back on Track: Post-Holiday Fit Mom Diet and Workout Plan

cardio diet tips workouts Nov 05, 2018

Did you overdo it during the holidays? Too many cookies and not enough exercise? It happens to the best of us. (Yours truly included…never met a Christmas cookie I didn’t like.)

Don’t wait another minute to get started. Now’s the time to get back in the saddle to take control of your eating and exercising. (Yes, I know New Year’s is this weekend…that’s no excuse.)

The goal is to focus on consistency.  When it comes to changing your body, diet is 70% of the equation, while exercise is 30%. With 100% dedication, you’re ready to go.

Workout Plan

Commit to this workout 5x a week for 12 minutes or 3x a week for 20 minutes. It doesn’t matter if it's first thing in the morning, during lunch or before bed. Pick the time that works best for you and DO IT!

Complete 10 repetitions of each exercise before moving onto the next one. Repeat until you hit 12 minutes or 20 minutes.

  1. Jumping jacks
  2. Squats
  3. Push ups
  4. Crunch
  5. Walking...
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Cardio is Hardio...Unless You Have a Goal

mindset workouts Nov 03, 2018

Cardio Motivation is Here!

You’ve heard of #squadgoals, well I have #quadgoals. Cardio is hardio so I need some motivation!

When you need to complete a certain amount of cardio each week, it can a drag. Currently, I need to complete 30 minutes of steady state, 20 minutes of HIIT (high intensity interval training) and then one day where I just run as fast as I can for one mile. Each session has its role, but sometimes the thought of cardio isn’t very motivating. I even wrote a post about getting back your running mojo if you’ve lost it.

That’s where a new goal comes in handy. I’ve been wanting to break my 5k time of 26 minutes for years. As I get older, it doesn’t seem to get easier. My dream PR time is 25:30, which means I need to run an 8:12 minute per mile pace for the entire race. Well, right now running a 10:15 pace for one mile feels painful!

So let’s go back to my cardio sessions and see how I can make my 5k PR goal happen, while also...

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How to Become a Runner: 5 Tips for Getting Your Running Mojo

workouts Oct 28, 2018

Have you ever thought about running a 5k…or just running in general? It can be tough to get started, especially when you don’t know where to begin. But it’s one of the easiest exercise routines to get into.

It’s funny, I looked back at my past posts and it seems like losing my running mojo could be an annual thing.

Here are five tips for Fit Moms who want to get their running mojo going:

  1. Buy proper running sneakers
    This is essentially the only piece of equipment you need, so make sure you invest in a decent pair. They don’t have to cost $100. You can find a pair of name-brand sneakers for around $30 at places like Kohl’s and TJMaxx. Good running shoes prevent injuries and will make your overall running experience more enjoyable.
  2. Warm-up and stretch
    Be sure to warm up by walking for 5 minutes. Also do some light stretching to prepare your body for the workout. All of these will help prevent soreness and injury.
  3. Walk…Run…Repeat
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5 Ways to Become an Early-Morning Exerciser

mindset workouts Oct 28, 2018

I’m strange; I love getting up early. Not just early...4:30 a.m. early. I'm a 100% early-morning exercise. It’s quiet, it's dark and it’s my time. I wasn’t always like this. I used to struggle with getting out of that warm, cozy bed first thing in the morning. That said, there are ways you can convert to those early morning workouts.

First, I have to say that I LOVE to work out and look forward to it each day. It’s my time, and that’s an important first step. Find a workout that you love, whether it’s weight training, walking, yoga, spinning, or running outside.

Become an early-morning exerciser

I used to rely on my vibrating Fit Bit alarm, which definitely helped and I highly recommend it if you have one. But my Fit Bit alarm has since stopped working and now I get up early naturally. (Yes, I even wake up at the crack of dawn on the weekends.) How? Here are five tips on how you can retrain your brain to become an early riser:


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